always learning
We are known as thought leaders but we’re actually just quite good at learning. We have learnt from other places and from the past and used this learning to inform schemes and initiatives that are considered innovative and cutting edge.
We encourage our clients to begin by learning about people, place, culture and history and using this to inform project development. We build strategies and scheme ideas on robust data but also ideas and inspiration from the local community.
As part of project development, implementation and post completion it’s important we understand what people like or don’t like, their preferences and choices and how they change.
Too often great schemes and initiatives are not valued as highly as they should be because the before and after data isn’t available.
For this reason, we work with our clients and partners to ensure the appropriate emphasis is placed on gathering data and information prior, throughout and post project development and delivery.
sharing is caring
We are proud of the monitoring frameworks we have developed which
are still used by our clients including the Waltham Forest Walking and Cycling
account which we prepared the framework and first issue which is now produced by
the council annually. We’ve also developed monitoring frameworks for Liveable Neighbourhoods
and to support local authority transport strategies.
We’re certainly not experts in everything and take opportunities to not only learn but also bolster project teams by partnering with the best companies and people.
We do however regularly get asked to provide our experience and learning. We have helped local authorities change the way they manage their street network, who and how they prioritise and provide space for different road users.
We provide training related to local authority and consultancy staff on street design, community engagement, behavioural and organisational change.
We use this learning and knowledge sharing with our peers to improve the way we work, refine our outputs to deliver better outcomes for our clients, partners and the communities we work with.