the better the plan the better the outcome 

We help the people and organisations we work with plan, strategize and conceptualise. Whether it’s minor changes to a busy high street or a borough-wide step change in street design and enabling behaviour change, it needs a a robust plan. 

The right plan developed with the right people  means better design, more successful project delivery, and stronger outcomes.

We’re known for developing high quality plans, strategies and proposals, in partnership with, and on behalf of our clients, and the people who live and work in the places we work with. 

We’re best known for Jon Little's work planning the £30 million pound Mini-Holland programme for Waltham Forest, but have subsequently written similar plans for Brixton in Lambeth with our friends at PJA, and for Woodbridge in Suffolk with WSP.  

It’s not just funding proposals we’re good at. In addition to the successful funding applications we’ve also helped Haringey’s with their Walking and Cycling Action Plan,  Southampton with a city-wide plan for Active Travel Zones, and Waltham Forest make their Mini Holland Design Guide and 2020 vision which underpinned the Enjoy Waltham Forest programme .

We also work with towns and cities, architects and developers, to create transport proposals for development areas. We act as critical friend for a range of clients including not just local authorities but other consultancies and development corporations, both in the UK and internationally. 

a change is gonna come

Planning for delivery of transformative change often means transforming the way schemes and services are delivered. We have helped numerous client partners consider how they can change the way they talk about, and provide transport and highways related services to local communities.

work with a variety of clients, with requirements from organisational change, to training officers and politicians, to design and engagement surgeries. We are always happy to help if we can, even if its just to bolster and support project teams during significant periods of project delivery. 

When making change people want to know what's happened, even if they don't like it. During planning we work with our clients to make sure we get the monitoring framework right, to be included within a solid plan.     

We've helped our clients develop:
  • multiple successful major scheme funding applications 
  • transport strategies
  • active travel networks
  • engagement and communications strategies 
  • kerbside management strategies 
  • development transport and access plans
  • parking strategies and policies 
  • design standards 
  • project guidance